Welcome To Mama Nurture

Welcome To Mama Nurture

Get to learn about my personal struggles the last couple of years and how I have gradually learned to cope with them, while learning to see the good in everything that once seemed negative.

Hey ya’ll! I am both excited and nervous to begin this mental health advocacy journey through this blog and my socials but my heart is pulling me to do it! With that being said, I’d like to introduce myself to everyone who may not know me. I am Angelica Adilene Rodriguez, daughter of two beautiful immigrants, proud Latina, older sister, beach bum, adventurer, and an anxiety, depression & PTSD vessel. I want to sort of clear up that I am not much of a writer, I prefer expressing myself with visuals; whether it’d be photography, film, or painting. However, I also think writing is a great way for me to immediately express how I am feeling. (So it’ll be something I practice doing more of.)
I am wanting to bring more attention to the difficulties people struggle with from mental health and hoping that in continuing to write about my experience it may make it easier for other people to open up and end the stigma behind it. I know it shouldn’t be a laughing matter but I do want to quickly shout out Twitter for making me laugh with so many relatable depression memes. Humor is definitely a way I personally cope with my own depression.

Hoping that anyone who integrates with my space, feels safe and unjudged. We are all fighting our own battles whether they be big or small. Welcome to Mama Nurture! ♡
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